I have just added links to three websites that I made awhile back. (You can find the links on the right side of the page.)
One site shows Naomi and Amon's senior pictures. These pictures were taken in the late summer of 2004. There are a few extra pages on the site that have some other things.... baby pictures of them, a couple of family photos, a "graduation" letter that Ruth wrote to them, and a story that Naomi wrote in highschool about her childhood. When you have time, check it out, I think you'll enjoy it, especially the story. In case you don't know (or remember) the twins (Naomi and Amon) are 19 now. Naomi is attending college in St. Louis and Amon is in the Navy, stationed currently in San Diego.
The Beks Reconstruction Site shows the progress as Rebekah and Garry restored a historical building and turned it into a restaurant which is located here in my hometown, Fulton. There's lots of pictures on the site. Be sure to look at "opening night". If you look closely enough at the other pages on the site,
you will find photos of the family all working on different aspects of the project. You will easily notice Rebekah and Garry, but see if you can find me, Jay, Esther, Naomi, Amon, and Nathan. I think Rachel and Dan may even be on there somewhere. By the way, Nathan has a long blond pony tail in these photos. That's now history since he joined the Army last spring.
The other site, just called "Beks" is their current site for the business. I'm sorry to say I've been lax in keeping it updated so some of the information is old. Maybe posting the link here will motivate me to get it updated...

The Beks Reconstruction Site shows the progress as Rebekah and Garry restored a historical building and turned it into a restaurant which is located here in my hometown, Fulton. There's lots of pictures on the site. Be sure to look at "opening night". If you look closely enough at the other pages on the site,

The other site, just called "Beks" is their current site for the business. I'm sorry to say I've been lax in keeping it updated so some of the information is old. Maybe posting the link here will motivate me to get it updated...
I found your blog today and was reading through your journal about your daughter's wedding and your trip to India.
Your daughter is a very lucky lady. I am in my mid-30s, born and raised in Wisconsin and 12 years ago married my Indian husband. Not that my parents disowned me, but the relationship has never been the same since. I only wish that my mom had gone to my Indian wedding.
I loved reading your journal as it reminded me of my first trip to India (I have been 7 times since that time). I really could relate to everything.
All the best to you and your daughter.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed reading through my blog. When you have time maybe take a look at Ruth's.
It's so nice that both I and Ruth have such a good relationship with Praveen's family. I can truely say that we bonded. They are all really great people who welcomed us with open arms and I'm looking forward to growing closer and closer to them in the years ahead.
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