Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I Repent
AND then I went to check out Sandhya's blog and sure enough, she had also posted since I had.
With new posts on both of theirs and none on mine I was shocked. I saw my errant ways...
I have been neglecting this blog. I repent.
I have posted two new entries below.

Nathan is a Bradley driver, so he is there to take care of his company's Bradleys and make sure that they are maintained properly.
After the other guys arrive they'll all head "north".
Am I worried about him? Of course I am. I am his mother.
Nathan At Ft. Hood, Texas
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Ruth & Praveen's Fulton Wedding Photos
Jay and I with Ruth, Praveen and the other "kids".

Front Row: Patrick (my grandson), Praveen, Ruth, Neal (my grandson), Rebekah & Garry
Back Rows: Esther & JT (her boyfriend), Naomi & Dane (her boyfriend), Nathan, Amon, Me, Jay, Rachel & Dan, John & Debbie (Jay's brother & wife), Rinnah.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Neal is a month old!
I can hardly believe that Neal is over a month old! Both he and Rebekah are doing great. His eyes appear to be blue. (It takes awhile before their eye color becomes obvious.)
Finally.... Newspaper Wedding Announcement

Parents of the couple are Jay and Debra MacVittie of Fulton and Santhana and Prasanna Krishnan of India.
The couple spent a month in India where Ruth was welcomed into the groom’s large extended family and circle of friends. They also traveled around the country with Ruth’s mother and several close friends from the states.
The couple hosted a reception at their home in Pacifica, Calif., on Feb. 26. There will also be a reception in Fulton on June 10, 2006. For more information or to RSVP please see the website at www.ruthandpraveen.com or call Debra at 642-8271.
The bride is a 1997 graduate of Fulton High School and a 2002 graduate of Webster University in St. Louis with a degree in business management. She is working as showroom manager for BSC Culinary in San Francisco.
The groom is a graduate of Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, India and later received his masters in Software Engineering from The University of Texas. He is currently employed as a Lead Software Engineer at Demand Tech in Redwood City CA.
The couple resides in Pacifica, Calif.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Receptions, Two Down, One To Go...

They had a HAT contest at the Pacifica reception. (She is definately her mother's daughter... or maybe I should say I am definately my daughter's mother... at any rate, a hat contest sounds like great fun to me.) Don't you just LOVE Praveen's hat? Doesn't Ruth look beautiful?
Ruth just posted some photos of the second reception on her blog, and another link to her albums at Shutterfly. Here are the links:
Sunday, March 26, 2006
The debut

Since I've been wanting to post here for a really long time but simply am short of time to post something nice, I'm starting off with this picture. Debra and Angela wanted to see it when they heard about it but I'd totally forgotten and just spotted it today in my folders. It's an informal invitation the the wedding that happenned and it's based on a poster of an Indian -English movie with the Indian beauty ( and Praveen's favourite actress- though she simply cant act) Aishwarya Rai. When I made this, I hadnt met Ruth in person and only had pictures to work on- so it doest really look like her to think of it. Now I feel it looks like Esther( Does anyone else think so?). Anyway, will be back for more, I promise.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Spring Flowers, Snow Showers

Just a few days ago I took these pictures of the first spring daffodils. I have a small grouping that are minatures and many more scattered around the yard that are full sized The ones above are the minatures. The little purple flower is a crocus, commonly one of the very first flowers to bloom in the spring time.
Then...for a couple days, I've known snow was on the way, and sure enough it was here when I woke up this morning. Now, I am NOT a lover of snow, although it's not so bad if I don't have to go out in it. BUT when it snows on top of my flowers...well that is not a happy thing at all.

These are the full sized daffodils growing on one side of my house.

Poor things!
This is the garden right in front of my house. We put it there because a long time ago we had to chop down a huge oak tree and needed to disguise the mess it's trunk left. You can see both the daffodil and iris leaves coming up. These haven't bloomed yet.
This is looking out from the house towards the yard (and "woods"). There is a very small creek that defines the yard. (We mow the yard, but stop at the creek, where the "woods" begin.)
The good thing about this snow is that it was much less than the first forecast I heard of 8-12 inches. That's a pretty rare occurance here in Missouri, and I prefer to keep it that way...RARE.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Mommy & Baby...doing well.
Rebekah had to have a c-section after 15 hours of labor on a pitosin drip, but she is recovering from the surgery better than anyone I've ever seen. She DID decide to spend three nights in the hospital after the birth, just because it seemed easier to have the nurses around to help with the baby so she could get more rest. She could have gone home earlier.
Garry has been back and forth between Beks (their restaurant) and his wife and new son. He says that when he's at Beks, he keeps thinking he should be with his family and when he's with his family, he keeps thinking he should be at Beks. Without Rebekah there to help with the restaurant, more of the management falls on his shoulders, but he's not complaining. We all hope she stays home with the baby for awhile. Beks will do fine.
I've incorporated a morning visit with Neal & Rebekah into my routine, right after I go to the gym for my exercise class.
So, that's the scoop on Rebekah and Neal.
More Baby Photos
This is one of my favorites, taken on that same day.
Below is a series of photos that Naomi took when Neal was 3 days old. I love these! They are so REAL.

Boy that was TIRING!

You can see more photos of Neal as well as the rest of the family at www.mommac.com
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I'm a Grandma again!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Proud of Myself
Specifically, take note of the poem on the sidebar at the right. As far as I know there is only one way to add things to the sidebar and that is through editing and playing with the html in the template. I know NOTHING about html except what I have figured out (and tried to remember). So I copy and paste and preview and then when it's not what I want, I do it again...and again...and again. All the while hoping I don't really mess something up that I can't "put back". (I almost did that once and it really freaked me out.)
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Here is the deal. Our high school “senior parents association” has a fund raiser every year to raise money to throw an “all night senior party” for the kids after they graduate from high school. It’s sort of to keep them off the streets and give them a fun safe place to celebrate. It’s a very big deal with lots of great prizes and activities that kids that age would like. It’s expensive though.
So….one innovative idea that they’ve come up with the past few years is to have this dinner… They serve a really nice dinner (this year it’s prime rib) and sell tickets to it for $100.00 per couple. They limit the tickets to 300. That means they raise $30,000.00 through ticket sales. Part of that goes for the food and decorations. About half is used for the senior party, and the rest is given away as tickets are drawn at the dinner. The grand prize is $10,000. They also give smaller cash prizes…a couple $1,000 and several 500 and 250 dollar prizes. Local businesses also donate prizes that are given away.
With all the prizes they give, chances of winning something are something like 1/8. Chances of winning the grand prize of $10,000.00 are 1/300. Now what better odds are there? Certainly better than buying a lottery ticket. That’s why once a year, every year, I buy a ticket to the Fulton High School Senior Parents dinner.
No, I’ve never won anything at all…not even a stupid T-shirt or tickets to a movie. But, the money I’ve spent in an attempt to win has gone to a good cause. And besides…this might be my lucky year.
The dinner is tonight.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Prasana & Santhana's Fulton Visit - Photo Album

Front Row: Praveen, Amon, Jared with Rebekah behind him, Ruth, with Patrick and Rachel behind her, Rinnah, with Naomi behind her.
Jared, Patrick, and Kyle are Rachel and Dan's sons. Dane is Naomi's boyfriend. Garry is Rebekah's husband.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Grandma Again...SOON

We all had a little surprise a couple weeks ago when Rebekah had her last sonogram and the doctor proclaimed the baby 100% BOY. Until then, everyone, including the doctor thought it was almost certainly a girl. That was what the previous sonograms indicated. So we all made our rush to return pink stuff and look for cute "boy stuff".
The baby was going to be named Lydia, after two great-great grandmothers, one on my side of the family (a favorite relative of mine who died when I was pregnant with Rebekah) and one on Garry's side of the family. Oh well. You can always name the next baby that, right, Rebekah? Now, it looks like the baby will be named Neal, a family name from Garry's side of the family. I'm not sure of the middle name yet.

Rebekah is still going into Beks every morning to do the baking and to generally oversee the restaurant. She complains about being tired, but of course she is tired! It comes with the territory. Other than that it seems like she is doing well.
We expect to have a healthy baby grandson very soon.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
New January Family Photos
This one of Rebekah (and my new grandbaby) were taken in the kitchen at Beks a couple weeks ago. I hope to get an updated photo of her because she is growing that baby very quickly now. The doctor says it weighs 6 lbs 4 oz and there is still another month until it's scheduled arrival.
The photo below was taken at a party that Jay and I went to last weekend. I wish he'd smile more! Usually I pinch him to get him to smile in pictures, but I must have forgotten.
Too bad the photo-taker cut the tops of our heads off!
I hate that gold crown that shows when I smile...
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Praveen!

I watched him be the diplomat. Balancing the needs and desires of those closest to him: his parents, his new bride, and tradition. And...he pulled it all off with grace.

Today is Praveen's Birthday. I have added him to my rather long mental list of (immediate) family birthdays, and unlike my other two son-in-laws', his will be easy to remember. It's the day after Esther's birthday. That makes FIVE in January. (Nathan, Esther, Praveen, Nathan, Seth, and Jay)
January only rivals September in the number of birthdays in our immediate family. In September we have six: (Rachel, Naomi, Amon, Rebekah, Kyle, and Ruth)

So, the new plan starting this year is to have a mid-year "family reunion". This was Ruth's idea, and a good one. In June we'll all (try to) be here for Ruth and Praveen's Fulton reception on the 10th and then we'll spend the following weekend at a campground where we'll just relax, party, and float on the river. Mind you, this campground is not only tent camping, they have cabins too.... a pre-requisite for me in choosing a site. (I did the tenting thing when I was a kid and had enough of it. Now I insist on a "real bed" with four walls around it.) Hopefully this will become an annual event that everyone (including the boys) will plan ahead for.
I hope the rest of my family can catch up with me on "knowing Praveen". The June camping trip-family reunion will be a good time to get a start on it.

Monday, January 23, 2006
Happy Birthday Esther